Thank you for taking the time to consult with us! As a thank you for your time, please select one of the items below!

25 Homeowners Surrounding Your Next Listing Who Have The Ability To Sell In Today’s Market.

We provide to you a list of the first 25 property owners surrounding your listings who…

  • Have owned their home for at least 4 years.

  • Have at least 20% equity in their property.

  • Have at least an email or phone number for you to contact.

  • What you say and how you say it matters when approaching potential sellers. Included in this dataset is a custom message for each property, specific to the property owner, that you can use to approach the off-market opportunities.

50% OFF One SuprSign Installation

  • NO Scratches!

  • NO Rust!

  • No Bending!

  • NO Leaning!

Our patent pending sign installation process guarantees that your signs won’t be damaged during storage, transport, installation, and removal. Your signs are stored and transported with our NO Touch system that guarantees zero scratches on your sign inventory. We use ONLY stainless steel hardware to protect against rust ruining your signs. Our dual post patent pending installation completely secures your signs preventing bending and post lean. Your image is your reputation, your signs deserve a better installation system, you deserve a better sign installation company.

25 Off Market Properties That Match Your Buyers Preapproval.

We identify and provide you with 25 off-market properties owned by people who have the ability to sell in your buyers preferred town.

As a top-performing real estate agent, you know that relying solely on current active listings can limit your potential and make it challenging to meet the demands of your clients.

ListingGenie is a powerful tool that enables you to create your own listings and unlock a world of hidden real estate opportunities. With ListingGenie, you can take control of your business and offer your clients a wider range of options.

Source potential unlisted sellers and create custom listings for your clients based on their preapproval amount, desired property type, required number of bedrooms, and preferred areas.

Additionally we provide you other valuable insights such as the property's current market value, the total commission you could earn through dual representation, and the estimated total profit for the property owner after closing costs and commission is paid.

What you say and how you say it matters when attempting to convert an unlisted property owner. Included with each ListingGenie dataset is a custom message for each property, specific to the property owner, that you can use to approach the off-market opportunities, resulting in more potential options for your clients and potential listing opportunities for you if the buyer decides that a specific property is not right for them.

Don't let the current market limit your potential. With ListingGenie, you have the power to create your own market and outperform your competition. Join the elite group of agents who have unlocked the power of ListingGenie and experience the difference in your business.